Following is a listing of bookings from the Graham County Jail from August 28, 2017, through September 3, 2017. All information is from the jail’s booking roster. While the following have been incarcerated, each person is considered innocent until found guilty in a court of law.
Abbreviations: SPD — Safford Police Department; TPD — Thatcher Police Department; PPD — Pima Police Department; GCSO—Graham County Sheriff’s Office; DPS — Department of Public Safety; GCPD — Graham County Probation Department; EACPD — Eastern Arizona College Police Department; SCPD — San Carlos Police Department.
August 28
Nichole Jones, 36, warrants, SPD. Robert Ortiz, 50, warrant, commitment order, GCSO. James Morris, 40, warrant, SPD. Jason Morris, 36, probation violation, GCPD.
August 29
Richard Bejarano, 58, warrant, GCPD. Michael Pena, 55, interfering with judicial proceedings, SPD. Cierra White, 18, warrant, SPD. Christopher Padilla, 21, commitment order, self. Sabrina Halderman, 39, warrant, SPD. Robert Grove, 42, disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, SPD.
August 30
Page Gillespie, 27, warrant, SPD. Eugene Wood, 37, warrants, SPD. Heather Hancock-Adams, 21, warrant, SPD. Stevie Sarrett, 29, warrants, SPD.
August 31
Danny Ogas, 45, warrant, GCSO. Thomas Reynolds, 45, forgery, fraudulent schemes and artifices, theft, SPD. David Rivero, 23, aggravated assault/domestic violence, warrant, GCSO. K’Ronda McLaughlin, 21, warrant, TPD. Michelle Pierson, assault, aggravated assault, disorderly conduct, GCSO. Nicholas Arevalo, 51, assault, aggravated assault, solicitation, SPD.
September 1
Terin Aranda, 24, assault, shoplifting, SPD. Glenn Agee, 28, warrant, TPD. Dexler Ivan, 28, warrant, DPS.
September 2
Troy Fuller, 19, warrant, SPD. Colter LaRue, 26, commitment order, self. Vina Baxter, 41, commitment order, self. Luis Hernandez, 35, assault, SPD.
September 3
Richard Gonzales, 38, aggravated assault, resisting arrest, DUI, driving on a suspended license, reckless driving, GCSO. Ray Walker, 47, warrant, TPD. James Morris, 40, assault, disorderly conduct, SPD. Juan Wilson, 46, assault, aggravated assault, criminal damage, GCSO.