Safford schools to return to the classroom Sept. 2

SAFFORD — With Graham County seeing fewer cases of COVID-19, Safford Unified School District notified parents that the district is ready to begin in-person instruction, albeit on a hybrid basis.

The district notified parents that classrooms will re-open Sept. 2, and all schools except Mt. Graham High School will operate on an A/B schedule, with students whose last names start A-J in Group A, and K-Z in Group B.

Mt. Graham High School will also operate on an A/B schedule; however, grouping will not be by last name.

Friday will alternate between the two groups for K-8 grades, while high schoolers in Group A can meet with teachers from 7:40 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., and Group B from 9:45 a.m. to 11:35 a.m.

Masks for all students, teachers and support staff are mandatory.

Administration said each school will contact parents with more information as the in-person start date draws nearer.

