Pima Jr. Volleyball seeks players, AYSO soccer seeking coaches

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PIMA — Two area youth sports are getting ready to start, and one is looking for players while the other is on the hunt for coaches.

The Pima Junior Volleyball program is new this year, offered to players in third through sixth grades as a chance to learn the fundamentals of the game.

Clinics will be offered Aug. 20 and 27, and Sept. 3, 10 and 11. Cost is $30 per player. Grades 3-4 will hit the court from 8-9:30 a.m. while grades 5-6 will play 10-11:30 a.m.

Clinic and tournament play will be offered for players in grades 5-6, and cost is $40 per player. Clinics will take place Aug. 20 and 27, and Sept. 3, 10, 11, 17 and 24. Tournament play will take place Sept. 18 and 25, from 9-11 a.m.

All clinics will take place at the Pima High School gym.

Parents can register players at http://clubs.bluesombrero.com/pimayouthsports.

Gila Valley Soccer AYSO Region 216 announced it’s in need of coaches.

Coaches must complete training courses, including the new this year sudden cardia arrest training course, as well as sign the COVID-19, Kid’s Zone and Risk Agreement waivers.

Player registrations are also ongoing, with the deadlines of Aug. 14 for U12/U10 and Aug. 28 for U8/U6.

For more information, go to https://www.ayso216.org or e-mail beth@motesfam.com.

