Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family
January is recognized as Human Trafficking Prevention Month, a national campaign dedicated to increasing awareness about human trafficking and educating the public about how to identify and prevent this crime. By fostering informed communities, we can collectively create safer environments for all Arizonans and reaffirm that Arizona has zero tolerance for human, sex, or labor trafficking. On behalf of the Governor’s Council to Combat Human Trafficking in Arizona, join the Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family (GOYFF) for a free, virtual Human Trafficking 101 Training facilitated by the Arizona Anti-Trafficking Network (AATN).
Misinformation about human trafficking is common. Learn what sex trafficking is and what it isn’t.
Learn to identify victims of human trafficking and common places where trafficking occurs in our communities.
Understand what to do when you suspect trafficking and how to get involved in the mission to eliminate trafficking from Arizona.
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Human Trafficking 101 Training
Arizona Anti-Trafficking Network | TRUST
The Arizona Anti-Trafficking Network (AATN)’s Training and Resources United to Stop Trafficking (TRUST) program proactively develops and directs projects to build collaboration, capacity, and awareness of anti-trafficking efforts throughout Arizona. By leveraging resources and serving as a connection point for local professionals, TRUST supports the critical needs of sex trafficking survivors and the success of Arizona’s cutting-edge anti-trafficking field.