By Sarah Griffin
THATCHER — Eastern Arizona College’s Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is offering a three-day seminar entitled, “QuickBooks for Small Business (Desktop Version),” Oct. 24-26, from 5:30-9 p.m., in South Campus Classroom #5.
The fee for the course is $149 per person (includes manual) and will be taught by Petrea Kunz, certified pro advisor for Quickbooks and owner of “You Can Relax Tax & Accounting Services.”
“We will teach you the desktop version software from beginning to end so that anyone, regardless of experience, can learn all they need to know to successfully use Quickbooks,” Kunz said.
“The full value of the seminar is $549,” said SBDC program assistant, Janell Hackett. “So, our fee of only $149 is really phenomenal.”
The seminar will cover how to set up QuickBooks, receive payments, make deposits, enter and pay bills, set up inventory, track and pay sales tax, process payroll, estimate and progress invoicing, track time, customize forms, write QuickBooks letters, and more. There are only 16 seats available so early registration is advised.
For more information contact the SBDC at (928) 428-8590 or Register online at