Work moving forward on Samaritan House

Graham County Supervisor John Howard, second from right, innquires on the status of Samaritan House, a respite center for the homeless. - Contributed Photo

SAFFORD — A minor item on its agenda gave the Graham County Board of Supervisors a chance to get an update on a forthcoming respite center for the area’s homeless population.

On Monday, the board unanimously approved a minor amendment to its contract with the Gila Valley Ministerial Association, giving the county the authority to conduct financial monitoring and auditing of Samaritan House.

But being on the agenda gave Supervisor John Howard a chance to ask about the ongoing remodel of the facility, at 114 W. 5th St. in Safford.

“They have finished sheet rocking,” said County Manager Dustin Welker. “This week, they’re scheduled to hang doors, trim out the building and they’re still working on the stucco. I still think we’re at least a month or two away.”

Graham County has committed about $250,000 in American Rescue Plan Act funding to the project, which will provide the homeless daytime services, such as personal hygiene care, laundry facilities and access to social services.

The facility is not a shelter and there will be no overnight stays.

