PHOENIX — Two members of the Safford Unified School District Governing Board were recently recognized by the state.
Board President Mike DeLaO received one of the two Arizona School Board Association’s All-Arizona School Board Member awards.
The award is presented to recipients who “exemplify best practices in boardsmanship, understand their roles, and follow through on their responsibilities. The honor is awarded for proven records of active service on the governing board, leadership at local, state and federal levels, contributions to ASBA and/or NSBA, demonstrated concern for the district’s children, rapport with fellow board members, commitment to boardsmanship training, and support of ASBA and its activities.”
Also recognized was Craig Hackett, who recently came off the SUSD governing board. Hackett received the ASBA Honor Roll Award, which is presented to retiring board members for servicing at least two consecutive terms and exhibiting outstanding service.