Safford city manager tests positive for COVID-19

David Bell Photo/Gila Valley Central. Safford City Manager John Cassella, shown here during a previous City Council meeting, has tested positive for COVID-19. He is working from home during his recovery.

SAFFORD — The number of positive COVID-19 cases in Graham County continues to climb and it’s hit the halls of Safford city government.

New Safford City Manager John Cassella is one of the latest to test positive but, he said it’s not affecting his ability to do his job, just from where he does it.

“So I’m just running things from here (home),” he said. “We had a staff meeting this morning — we just did Zoom — so I just do things remotely.”

Graham County added four new cases Monday — three in Safford and one in Pima — to bring the county’s total to 96. Sixty-one of the cases are active, 33 have recovered and there have been two deaths.

The San Carlos Apache Tribe reports 145 tribal members testing positive — 124 on the reservation and 21 off. A total of 103 cases are still active with 39 recovered and three off-reservation deaths.

Greenlee County is holding at 18 cases — eight active, nine recovered and one death.

