Quality Inn Safford makes free WiFi available to students distance learning

Google Streetview Photo. Quality Inn Safford is making its WiFi available for free to students without internet access and are distance learning.

SAFFORD — While Thatcher and Pima children are in the classroom, Safford students remain at home, taking classes online. But only if the family has internet service.

To help families without service, Quality Inn Safford has opened one its conference rooms and the space normally used for the hot buffet to students in order to give them access the hotel’s free WiFi.

“That can be students of any age. That can be all the way from preschool up to college age to anybody that’s in school. Opened it up for our internet service so bring your laptop, bring your tablet,” said Vonda Evans, events coordinator and marketing manager for Manor House and Quality Inn Safford.

Physical distancing rules are strictly enforced with physical dividers in place. Also the hotel staff sanitizes the areas between uses by students.

Taking advantage of the space and internet access, Gila Valley Clinic is using some of the Quality Inn conference room space to bring in a tutor to help the children of clinic employees.

“We’re very happy to be able to offer it,” Evans said. “I know that there are some families that I’ve spoken to who are waiting for internet access, and it’s going to be a week or two; it’s not a right away kind of thing. So we’re available, give us a call and we can certainly get your kiddos in. And like I said, it’s not just for kids; it’s for college students, too.

“Some of those college students are little misplaced right now. They might be at home, they might not be at home, might have an apartment on a budget, come and use our internet service.”

Space is available by appointment only. Call 928-428-3200.

