Eastern Arizona College to honor veterans at annual event

By Kris McBride

Eastern Arizona College will host its annual Veterans Day event to honor those who have served or are currently serving in the military. Sponsored by the Associated Students of Eastern Arizona College, this event is being held the day before Veterans Day to not compete with other area events, and to encourage more student and employee participation.

The event will take place on Wednesday, November 10, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. at EAC. The event will be staged on the west side of EAC’s Student Services Building near the flagpole. Parking in available. The community is welcome to join EAC students, faculty and staff.

Remarks will be given by Philip Attaway, a current EAC student and veteran. The EAC Marching Band will perform patriotic music and EAC’s Combined Choirs will perform a special number.

