AZ Dept of Health Services hosting Must Stop Bullying Comic Contest

The Arizona Department of Health Services is hosting a ‘Must Stop Bullying’ comic contest. The contest is open to all Arizona community-based and/or school youth. Two groups of participants will be judged separately within the contest:

  • Youth through 8th grade
  • Youth 9th – 12th grade

Official Rules

Bullying is repeated, unwanted, or hurtful behavior by a person or a group. Bullies use their power to cause physical, psychological, social, or other kinds of harm on a target, even though they’ve been told to stop. We know that bullying happens a lot. We want you to tell us why it is important that it stops and how YOU have the power to help stop it!

The Arizona Department of Health Services invites you to design a comic to prevent bullying and create a kinder community!

The comic can be drawn, designed on the computer or anything you want – as long as it is original and follows the contest guidelines. Six winning submissions will win gift cards! Winning concepts will also be featured in the Arizona Department of Health’s Must Stop Bullying campaign.

Contest Theme:

Why is it important to prevent bullying?
What can you and others do to stop bullying from occurring?
Why is it important to be kind?

Contest Timeline:

Deadline for submissions: May 10th by 11:59 PM
Winners announced: June 6th

