American Legion Lopez-Hernandez Post 95 Auxiliary is the Pride of Safford

The Women's American Legion Auxiliary Unit 95 in Solomon was presented with the Pride of Safford Award. - David Bell Photo/Gila Valley Central

SAFFORD — The Pride of Safford Committee recognized a group from a nearby community for the June award — The Women’s American Legion Auxiliary Unit 95 in Solomon.

“We truly enjoy contributing to the community,” Lydia Cress said when the group accepted the Pride of Safford Award. “We want to enhance the Safford region as a whole.”

The nomination for Legion Auxiliary Unit 95 cited the number services it provides throughout the area, as well as how often it volunteers to help other organizations.

“A nonprofit organization whose goal is to provide service and assistance to veterans and their families, other units, and to the town of Safford and surrounding towns. They have functions such as food sales (and) yard sales to earn the financial means to provide for others,” the nomination reads.

The unit provides Christmas gifts to veterans at nursing homes, provide bereavement luncheons for the families of veterans who have passed away, they assist the Safford Auxiliary with the annual free Thanksgiving meal for veterans and the community, and provide the meals for the annual Veterans Resource Fair.

