Letter: Support strong for Eastern Arizona Hispanic Heritage Corporation

Graham County Supervisor Paul David gave an update on the needs and accomplishments of the county. - David Bell Photo/Gila Valley Central

I’ve always been interested in the history and cultures of the Gila Valley. Picking up pieces of pottery on the Lafe Nelson playground as a 1st grader started my lifelong desire to learn more of the area’s inhabitants. Growing up I was blessed to have numerous Mexican, African, Asian and Native American classmates, teammates and wonderful friends. As the son of a funeral director who served every race, culture and creed I learned to respect the diverse religious and cultural beliefs of those families. Dad and mom were great examples of loving those you serve.

Conflicts between races, cultures and religions in the world, nation and even in the Gila Valley continue. Some result from negative personal experiences while many are generational biases. This generational “gift that keeps on giving” drives wedges in our communities and country. Pride, envy and scarcity based fear (there’s not enough to go around) prevent us from being the people and community we could become.

I appreciate and support the efforts of the Eastern Arizona Hispanic Heritage Corporation (EAHHC) and their mission to preserve and honor the wonderful Hispanic legacy of our area. Since their founding they’ve provided tens of thousands of dollars to EAC for scholarships. There are no earmarks or restrictions on these scholarships. EAC administers these donations and awards them to needy students from all backgrounds. When you see area businesses, organizations, municipalities and individuals donating to the EAHHC, the entire valley benefits. This rising tide lifts all ships.

Question your feelings of hurt, mistrust, animosity, pride and fear of others. Work to resolve them. Commit to not passing them on to future generations of your family. Create a reservoir of forgiveness and grace. Bless the lives of family, friends, neighbors and strangers.

  • Paul R. David

