Study says Arizona has the third worst school in U.S.

Arizona has the 3rd worst school system in America according to a recent study by Wallethub. With in-person learning this fall hinging on how well states handle the COVID-19 pandemic, the personal finance website dug into the data to find the states with the best and worst school systems in the nation.

Arizona ranked 49th out of 51 (Washington D.C. was included in the study). Louisiana and New Mexico are the only states that fell below Arizona in the study.

In order to determine the best school systems in America, WalletHub compared the 50 states and the District of Columbia across 33 measures of quality and safety. The data set ranges from pupil-teacher ratio and dropout rate to median standardized test scores and school closures due to COVID-19.

Quality & Safety of Schools in Arizona (1=Best; 25=Avg.):

  • 31st – Math Test Scores
  • 39th – Reading Test Scores
  • 51st – Pupil-Teacher Ratio
  • 18th – Median SAT Score
  • 44th – Median ACT Score
  • 49th – % of Licensed/Certified Public K–12 Teachers
  • 47th – Dropout Rate
  • 17th – Bullying Incidence Rate
  • 35th – % of Threatened/Injured High School Students

For the full report, please visit:

