SAFFORD — Paul David sits on the board for Mt. Graham Safe House, and on Dec. 9 he asked the Safford City Council to consider some type of protection for the building following the improvements to 20th Avenue.
“As they went ahead and put in the curbs and the sidewalks, there’s very little room between the curb and the very first building,” David said, adding that it would be easy for a vehicle to jump the curb and smash into the building now that the improvements are complete and traffic is moving a little faster.
Because he made his comments during the call to the public portion of the City Council meeting, city officials were prohibited by law from addressing David’s request at that time.
Instead, the city took action.
The city installed bollards on the south side of the building, and a cement barrier on the west side, adjacent to the sidewalk, with signage to warn drivers to turn left or right.
“I want to wholeheartedly thank you for the barrier construction which significantly improves the safety of MGSH employees working in the front office,” David wrote in an e-mail to Safford Public Works Director Lance Henrie. “It is hoped these barriers are never tested.”