Contributed Article
PHOENIX – The Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety recently awarded the Safford Police Department a DUI Enforcement Grant in the amount of $7,500 for DUI Officer Overtime. Safford Officers will use the DUI overtime funding in conjunction with the Eastern Arizona DUI Task Force traffic details as well as sustained enforcement. In addition, another $9,500 was awarded to the department by the GOHS for Selective Traffic Enforcement (STEP) and traffic-related equipment. The Safford Police Department will use $4,500 to purchase one in-car camera and one handheld LIDAR and $5,000 for STEP overtime.
Funding from the GOHS will be used to help reduce the number of alcohol-impaired drivers on our streets and highways. Officers working the traffic enforcement details will be targeting those driving under the influence as well as speed, seat belt, and child restraint violators. In addition to traffic enforcement, the Safford Police Department will carry out a comprehensive public awareness program. Safford officers will be working with the schools, community and media to increase awareness of the risks and consequences that unlawful driving behaviors, to include distracted driving, create. Officers will also be working in a “zero tolerance” enforcement effort to correct these driving behaviors.
The GOHS grant is part of the ongoing cooperative effort that the Safford Police Department has enjoyed with the Governor’s Office to fund proactive and educational programs in Safford.
“The value of the assistance that we receive from the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety and in particular, Director Alberto Gutier, cannot be overstated,” said Safford Police Chief Joe Brugman. “Mr. Gutier assists law enforcement agencies throughout the state, and we appreciate that he remains mindful of the rural communities to ensure our needs are met. These grant funds are earmarked to assist us in providing enforcement in order to decrease traffic related deaths, injuries and property damage, especially those related to impaired driving.”