Safford High School shares ‘Good News’ about its students

Safford High School - David Bell Photo/Gila Valley Central

SAFFORD —Safford High School wants to share all the good things its students are faculty are doing.

The school has created a Good News spreadsheet that teachers and club advisers can update with what activities students have taken part in, and can be shared with local media.

In November, National Honor Society members helped clean litter from the vacant lot south of Walmart, the Link Crew fed freshman a Thanksgiving meal, and the Academic Team has placed either first or second at four Knowledge Bowls.

In December, it was announced that two Art Club members won $400 for the club for their window displays, and the choirs and piano lab are preparing for performances.

The Good News program was initiated by a teachers committee as way to share through the media the effort students make to better both the campus and the community.

