Safford Council plans for building to house new chambers

THe Safford City Council directed staff to continue with plans to renovate a recently aquired building on Central Avenue, near 9th Street, into a new council chambers. - Google Maps

SAFFORD — The Safford City Council is planning to move to a new home.

A new council chambers in a recently acquired building on Central Avenue near 9th Street is a part of the Capitol Improvements Program portion of the 2021-22 budget currently under discussion.

“IT would need about $6,000 to get their part updated, and building maintenance at about $6,000 to do what they do as far as building a dais and making that accessible. And we also wanted about $3,000 to run fiber to that,” said Lance Henrie, Public Works director for the city.

Council directed staff to move forward with the plans, contingent on a neighboring business owner clearing up tax issues and transferring a state license to another property.

