Nine-year-old gets juvenile referral for breaking windows

Deputies were dispatched to Thunderbird Mobile Home Park New Year’s Day in response to a report of 5 juveniles who were caught on the property of a residence that was under renovation. The reporting party told deputies that she and her husband had gone to the property to work on it and found five kids, ages 5 to 13 in the residence, cleaning up broken glass.

The juveniles said that a nine-year-old boy had entered the residence the day before and broke the window. They felt bad about the incident and were there cleaning up the broken glass. The deputies told them they should not enter other people’s property without permission, but should have told their parents about the incident. One of the deputies noted that he had been to the area the day before because of reports of the same boy breaking windows.

Deputies made contact with the nine-year-old boy’s mother who told them she was trying to get some help and counseling for her son. The deputies told her that they would be filling out another juvenile referral for the incident and that she could contact the boy’s probation officer for information.

