By Lori Dugan
THATCHER, AZ—Graham and Greenlee County residents received a reminder postcard in the mail last week from Eastern Arizona College reminding them to register for Spring 2020 classes. Students have been registering for since October and the classes are filling up fast. If you’ve ever considered taking a college course, now is the time. The spring schedule is filled with classes to help you take charge of your life.
We have the classes you want. Want to learn the art of yoga? Or maybe gem faceting or genealogy? These courses and more are available just around the corner at Eastern Arizona College. Campus is filled with instructors ready to teach the skills you’ve always wanted to learn. Whether you are a graduating high school senior ready to begin your college education, a full-time employee wanting to update your skills in a technical area, or someone who wants to take a course to enrich your life, check us out. We also have a full list of online courses that can be completed entirely from the comfort of your own home or office.
Tuition is affordable. Tuition at EAC continues to be affordable with rates of $90/credit-hour for the first 11 credit hours and only $1,350/semester for 12 credit hours and over for Arizona residents. Senior Citizen Scholarships are available that cover the cost of in-state tuition for students 55 years of age and older.
Registering is easy. Register online from the convenience of your home at Or call us at (928) 428-8270 to register over the phone.
Spring classes begin January 13, 2019. Call EAC’s Records and Registration Office at (928) 428-8270 to register, or register online at To access the online, searchable class schedules, visit