By Lori Dugan
THATCHER — Interns from the Eastern Arizona College-Safford Bureau of Land Management (BLM) STEM Partnership will speak at the BLM’s next Brown Bag Lecture event Thursday, Jan. 19, from 6-8 p.m., in the BLM Safford Office, located at 711 14th Ave. Admission is free.
The event will feature a Bigfoot lookalike contest, door prizes, popcorn, Bigfoot cookies and more. “The Legend of Bigfoot,” a documentary film of one researcher’s quest to track down the elusive mammal, will be shown and discussed. Participants will also be able to talk to a logger who worked in Bigfoot country for decades.
The STEM Partnership is a grant-supported program which requires intern participation in public speaking. Bigfoot movie night will help fulfill this requirement.
“Come and meet the interns for Spring 2017, support their efforts and have a roaring good time,” said Dave Henson, EAC Science Division Chair and partnership coordinator.
For more information about this free educational event contact Henson at (928) 428-8366 or Dr. Jony Cockman, cultural resources specialist/archaeologist, at the BLM at (928) 348-4464.