Ciscomani: The first 100 days

U.S. Rep. Juan Ciscomani - Contributed Photo

Guest opinion by U.S. Rep. Juan Ciscomani, R-Ariz.

“¿En que otra parte del mundo podríamos tener nuestra historia?”

That’s what my father said to me the day before I set out on this journey. 

“Where else in the world could we have our story?” he asked in Spanish. “We came to this country, we immersed ourselves in the culture, we learned English, became U.S. citizens… I drive a bus most of my life, and now my son has a shot at becoming a member of the United States Congress. Nowhere else!”

I kicked off my campaign for Congress with that in mind – there is no country in the world like America. The opportunities offered in the United States have made millions of dreams possible, giving birth to the American Dream. And because of that, we must work tirelessly to preserve that dream for future generations. 

This is the mindset I had throughout my campaign, and now as your congressman. Earlier this month, we surpassedthe first 100 days of the 118thCongress. I’ve learned a number of things, including that there are no assigned seats on the floor (but don’t sit in someone else’s seat), how to sleep on a red eye flight, and making the best of my DC office which doubles as my living quarters. But I am incredibly proud of the results we have accomplished in this short time.

In Washington, I have been a strong voice on the issues that matter most to our district.

As the only freshman appointed to the powerful Appropriations Committee, I’ve secured a seat at the table for critical funding discussions on transportation, housing, and economic issues.

On the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, I have already craftedand introduced bipartisan legislation that delivers results for our military installations and our 70,000 veterans.

I established the bipartisan Colorado River Caucus, which brings together lawmakers from Upper and Lower Basin States to discuss collaborative solutions to secure a strong water future.

I had the privilege and honor to offer the House of Representatives response to the President’s State of the Union in Spanish.

Additionally, I hosted two congressional delegations to the border in Cochise County, one with Speaker McCarthy and the second with a bipartisan, bicameral group of lawmakers. And most recently, I hosted a third delegation with key members of the Appropriations committee, including Chairwoman Kay Granger, so they could get a firsthand look at our needs as they make funding decisions.

With over 200,000 seniors and 70,000 veterans in our district, I also made it a priority to hear from retirees and the men and women who served our country, hosting roundtables and conversations across the district. And let me be clear: I am committed to strengthening Medicare, Social Security, and benefits for veterans.

As Congress works to produce a responsible annual budget, President Biden’s absence from negotiations have forced House Republicans to offer a plan – the Limit, Save, Grow Act – which passed the House this week. While the bill may not be perfect, it’s a solid foundation for a starting point and I supported it. However, make no mistake, this bill does not in any way cut Social Security, Medicare, or veterans’ benefits – otherwise, I would not havesupported it. The false and dishonest narrative suggesting it does undermines the work being done to move forward in the best interest of our country.

Last November, the American people voted to bring accountability to Washington. One of my first acts in Congress was launching a Citizens Advisory Council, comprised of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents from the public and private sectors across all 5 counties of the district. This council set ambitious priorities for our district and plays an instrumental role in helping us deliver results for our entire district while acting as an engaged sounding board for me.

My mission is clear, I am in the business of people, serving our entire community, being accessible, and working on the needs of all my constituents, regardless of party registration. It’s about results.

Over the last hundred days, I’ve met with constituents of all backgrounds. From the Border Patrol agents that keep our community safe, to the job creators that build opportunity, young people aspiring toward public service, seniors, veterans and parents. I’m inspired by our community and the stories of determination I hear about every day.

The American Dream is about the freedom to pursue your own happiness. It’s about ensuring the next generation can succeed as far as their efforts takes them. My parents worked their entire lives to give me a better life to give our family a better life, and I’m fighting to do the same for my children and yours. I started at Wendy’s in Tucson, and today serve in Washington representing my hometown.When we protect the freedoms that make our country exceptional, we keep the American Dream alive for another generation.

That’s why our Commitment to America is so important. Our House Republican Majority is fighting for a nation that is safe, an economy that is strong, a government that is accountable, and a future that is built on freedom.

From the Border Patrol agents that keep our community safe, to the job creators that build opportunity, young people aspiring toward public service, seniors, veterans and parents. I’m inspired by our community and the stories of determination I hear about every day.

