THATCHER – It’s best to be proactive when it comes to employment, and nobody could say otherwise about the venders and visitors at Eastern Arizona College’s career fair.
Opening its doors at 1 p.m., the career fair visitors were a mixture of college students and local job seekers. The college students appeared lively and enthusiastic, while some the local job seekers appeared to view the collection of possible employers with glumness.
Kimberly Termain, outreach coordinator for Arizona at Work, said college students are always prevalent at the career fair.
“This is held during the EAC freshmen orientation week,” Termain said. “We attract a large amount of the college age range. Which is great because most college students can’t afford to go to college without having a job. Then we also have our local job seekers.”
Tremain later went on to say that EAC partners with Arizona at Work yearly to put on the fair.
“We are always looking for unique ideas and ways to partner with the area and help the population find those hopefully self-sustaining wages,”
John Scoggins, a Pima resident and job seeker who works the night shift, woke up early to search for different employment. Scoggins was unimpressed with the fair.
“A few of them are big business, but the mine isn’t here,” Scoggins said. “I came in here looking for a job as an I.T guy, but there’s only entry-level positions here. They have more colleges than businesses opportunities.”
A total of 270 college students and local job seekers attended the career fair.