Arizona lawmaker proposes porn tax to fund border wall

An Arizona lawmaker is proposing a unique idea for funding the proposed wall between the U.S. and Mexico.

House Bill 2444 introduced by Republican state Representative Gail Griffin, would require companies that manufacture or sell internet devices in Arizona to install blocking software on those devices. By default, the software would block websites that display “obscene material” including porn, revenge porn, or a website that “facilitates prostitution”

The software would not, however, be required to block a website that’s “primarily considered a social media and interactive website.”

The bill does offer a way to deactivate the blocking software if the user can prove they are 18 and pay a “onetime fee of at least $20.” But companies can “retain and additional charge to deactivate the blocking software.”

According to the bill, the money collected from allowing people to access porn on the internet would go into the John McCain Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Fund, which would be created by the bill. At the very top of the list of 10 things the money could be used for, which the bill outlines, is to build a border wall between Mexico and Arizona. That, or border security. Here’s the full list

Here’s the list that the fund will provide according to the bill, HB 2444, would help:

  1. Build a border wall between Mexico and this state or fund border security.
  2. Provide physical and mental health services.
  3. Provide temporary and permanent housing placements.
  4. Assist victims in employment placement, education and employment training.
  5. Prevent and protect victims of human trafficking, domestic violence, prostitution, divorce, child abuse and sexual assault.
  6. Assist school districts.
  7. Compensate crime victims.
  8. Fund shelters and dream centers.
  9. Pay for family counseling and rehabilitation.
  10. Assist law enforcement.

