Spalsbury Field made official at dedication ceremony

Following the dedication of Safford Regional Aiport-1LT Duane Spalsbury Field, particiapnts gathered for a group photo. Pictured are, from left. Fiona DeYoung, aid to U.S. Rep. Juan Ciscomani; Safford City Council members Luke Arbizo and Dusti Brantner; state Sen. David Gowan; Safford Mayor Richard Ortega, holding the Certificate of Congressional Recognition from Ciscomani; Airport Manager Cameron Atkins; Spalsbury's daughter, Julie Cluff, holding the plaque with the airport's new name; Safford Vice Mayor Arnold Lopez; state Sen. Wendy Rogers, who was the day's keynote speaker; and Eric Swanson, owner of the T-6 Texan World War II training airplane behind the group. - David Bell Photo/Gila Valley Central

SAFFORD — The crowd was lined on the tarmac Saturday to celebrate the newly named Safford Regional Airport-1LT Duane Splasbury Field.

The City Council approved the name change in February.

“I’m very humbled and very honored that he’s been recognized for this; he loved this place,” said Julie Cluff, Spalsbury’s daughter.

Spalsbury’s family was on hand to receive the plaque honoring the name change, and see the city given a Certificate of Congressional Recognition from Fiona DeYoung, aid to U.S. Rep. Juan Ciscomani, R-Ariz.

Guest speaker was state Sen. Wendy Rogers, R-Flagstaff, who served as one of the U.S. Air Force’s first 100 female pilots and retired as a Lt. Colonel. She talked about her respect for Spalsbury, who was a fighter pilot with the Army Air Corps during World War II. She also talked his community engagement after the war.

“He dove right in to participate in civic activities,” Rogers said. “If not for him, we wouldn’t have the wonderful medical center that we have here in Safford.”

State Sen. Wendy Rogers, R-Flagstaff, talks about Duane Spalsbury’s dedication to the community of Safford, and the principles he carried his whole life learned as a pilot in the Army Air Corps in World War II.
– David Bell Photo/Gila Valley Central

Cluff received recognition from Danny Smith from Mt. Graham Regional Center, for her father being the driver of development of MGRMC, as well as being the nonprofit hospital’s first board president.

Other speakers included Vice Mayor Arnold Lopez and Mayor Richard Ortega, who talked about improvements made at the airport and development of a new airport business park by Airport Manager Cameron Atkins.

“This airport has been growing (and) it will keep on growing. It will be so beneficial to Safford and Graham County,” said Mayor Richard Ortega.

Gila Valley Chorale offered the national anthem and Safford Police Honor Guard presented the colors at the event.

Safford Mayor Richard Ortega talks about the growth and development of Safford Regional Airport-1LT Duane Spalsbury Field, as well as the adjoining airport business park.
– David Bell Photo/Gila Valley Central

