Interested artists are invited to apply for mural project
The Safford Downtown Association’s Mural Project is kicking off this year! During last year’s survey of community residents and businesses in downtown Safford, the presence of more art in downtown Safford was mentioned several times. Freeport McMoRan’s Community Investment Fund granted funds to the Safford Downtown Association to help fund this project.
Those interested in creating a mural in downtown Safford are encouraged to review the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) listed below. The deadline to submit materials to be considered is 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 21, 2019.
The mural will be painted on the east side of 610 W Main Street in Safford (the Farmers Insurance building). The mural space is approximately 42′ long by 14.6′ high. The wall is constructed of cinder block.
The total budget for the project is $5,000 (approximately $3 per square foot plus supplies and donor gifts). The budget includes costs associated with the project including, but not limited to” artist’s stipend, materials and associated costs.
How to Apply
Artists’ RFQ packet should include the following:
- Letter of Interest: No more than one page in length that explains the artist’s interest in the project.
- Current Resume: If submitting as a team, a current resume should be submitted for each team member.
- Images of Previous Work (10 max): Digital images are preferred and should be .jpg, 300 dpi, 6 inches in the longest direction, RGB color.
- Image List: Please include: artist’s name, title, date, medium, size. If a commissioned project, include location and the commission budget.
- References: Submit three professional references who have direct knowledge of the artist’s work and working methods. List must include name, title, company/organization, email address and phone number.
- Contact Details: Include a phone number and/or email address where you can be reached.
- Optional: The artist may include up to three selections of support materials such as reviews, news articles, and other related information.
Submit all qualification materials on a jump drive by 6:00 p.m. by Thursday, February 21, 2019 to:
Downtown Mural Project
Attn: Amber Hogle
808 S 8th Avenue
PO Box 272
Safford, AZ 85548
Office Hours: Monday – Thursday, 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
The Safford Downtown Association selection committee will review all artist submissions and select up to three artists to develop proposals for the site. Those artists will be compensated $150 each for concept development and presentation to the committee. A finalist will be selected following this stage of the process.
The concept should be reflective of the Safford community. Potential concepts for the mural include:
- Tourism – Maps, local celebrations, etc.
- Landscape – Mt Graham, downtown
- Culture – Downtown events, shopping and dining
- Industry – Copper, cotton, cattle
Questions regarding the Downtown Mural Project can be addressed to the City of Safford Downtown Association Liaison:
Amber Hogle
Administrative Events Liaison
808 S 8th Avenue
PO Box 272
Safford, AZ 85548
Office Hours: Monday – Thursday, 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Project Timeline
February 24 – Request For Qualifications (RFQ) Due
February 27 – Selection Committee Meets
March 6 – Semi-finalists notified
March 20 – Semi-finalist presentations
By March 27 – Finalist announced and contacted
By April 10 – Contract Signed
Mural completion date: June 30