Panhandlers fight over corner spot

A Safford police officer on Patrol Sunday near Walmart was flagged down by several people trying to alert him to a fight that had broken out on the north side of the store. The officer then saw a woman lying on the ground and a man standing over her, yelling.

As the officer approached he could hear both parties yelling at each other. The woman was screaming that the man had hit her and the man was yelling that the woman had hit him. The officer separated them and detained the man in handcuffs.

The man told authorities that he was panhandling on the corner when the woman walked up to him and began yelling that the corner was her spot and insisted that he leave. When the man refused to leave, the woman apparently hit him in the face and knocked his glasses off. The man then pushed the woman to the ground.

Neither party wanted to pursue charges against the other. They were separated and agreed to go separate ways.

