The Mt. Graham Regional Medical Center Auxiliary announces the location for the 2019 Christmas House at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Bryant McNeill, 172 Spencer Lane in Thatcher. Dr. McNeill is a hospitalist at MGRMC. This is the 46th annual fundraiser in support of the hospital and the auxiliary. All proceeds from the event are used to purchase patient care equipment.
Second Vice President and Christmas House Chair Elizabeth Hinton notes that this year’s event will be held on Friday evening the 8th of November from 5:00 to 8:00 and Saturday morning the 9th of November from 9:00 to noon.
Friday evening there will be refreshments and a live auction. The annual bake sale on Saturday morning will be followed by a raffle drawing. Handmade Christmas decorations may be purchased both days. Santa Claus is expected to make an appearance again this year, and the recent tradition of live Christmas music and caroling will be reprised.
Tickets are $2 each, good for both days, and can be purchased in the MGRMC Gift Shop, from an auxiliary member, or at the door.