WILLCOX — The overpass is gone but other work continues to impact traffic on Interstate 10, just west of Willcox.
Thursday and Friday, eastbound I-10 will see lane restrictions between mileposts 331 and 332, from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., while crews continue work installing a new southbound U.S. Highway 191 bridge over the interstate.
The lane restrictions will be lifted for the weekend, before resuming Monday, April 22.
The bridge was damaged when a semi smashed into a pillar May 3, 2023. The semi became engulfed in fire and the driver was killed.
ADOT allocated $5.3 million to rebuild the bridge’s superstructure, which includes the girders and deck. The work is expected to be completed before the start of summer; however, there could be delays based on weather.