Safford, Ariz – The Annual Meeting of the Graham County Historical Society will be held on Saturday, January 12, from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m., at the Discovery Park Barn.
This event honors a resident of historical significance to Graham County. This year’s honoree will be Dr. Tom Jensen, longtime Gila Valley physician. Steve Haralson will also be recognized for his service on the Society’s board. Danny Haralson will give a brief historical presentation about James Ohio Pattie, an early explorer of the Gila River country. In addition, Don Lancaster will give an update on his research into the prehistoric “hanging canals” on the lower slopes of Mt. Graham. There will also be membership business, including approval of new officers, and a report on the Society’s efforts to establish a museum to display its extensive collection of historical artifacts, followed by lunch.
The public is invited. Annual membership dues are $50 per person. The Society also offers historical symposia and treks to historical sites, usually four times per year.
Help the Graham County Historical Society keep our local history alive. Become a member and/or participate in the above activities.