Graham Supervisors want to know why someone would buy 4-feet of land

The sale for unpaid taxes on a small sliver of land - shown in blue - on Stadium Avenue in Thatcher, was delayed by the Graham County Board of Supervisors, who want to know why a non-adjacent land owner would want to purchase the lot. - Contributed Image/Graham County GIS

SAFFORD — A land sale for unpaid taxes has been pushed off for more than a month in order to ascertain the buyer’s motivation.

The Graham County Board Supervisors voted unanimously to table the tax-lien sale of a small parcel of land on Stadium Avenue in Thatcher, between U.S. Highway 70 and 4th Avenue, until late November.

The very narrow strip of land sits between two primary residences, but neither of those owners are the bidder on the parcel.  

“I’m puzzled why someone would get a 4-foot strip when they’re not the adjacent owners,” Supervisor Paul David said.

The 548-square-foot parcel, which is 0.01 acres, has an assessed value of $75 and a limited property value of $54.

“It’s always a concern as a property owner,” David said. “Someone comes in and buys a silver. You don’t know if there’s an easement on it and then you can get control. I’m wondering what value a 4-foot silver has.”

The highest bidder, who submitted a bid $9.02 above the amount required to cover the delinquent taxes, fees and cost of foreclosure, is Joshua Johnson of Kahului, Hawaii. The board will act on Johnson’s bid at its Nov. 20 meeting.

