Fund-raiser to help children in hospitals at Safford Builder’s Supply/Ace Hardware this weekend

SAFFORD — Safford Builder’s Supply/Ace Hardware is bringing back a fund-raiser that helps Gila Valley families fighting serious childhood illnesses.

The annual Bucket Sale takes place at both locations — in Safford and Morenci — Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Special Ace Hardware buckets are for sale for $5, with all the money going to the Children’s Miracle Network. The Children’s Miracle Network supports hospitals that care specifically for children, and in Arizona that’s Phoenix Children’s Hospital.

To help encourage bucket sales, Safford Builder’s Supply/Ace Hardware is offering 20 percent off any items that can fit in the bucket, with 10 percent off power tools.

“We’ve been doing this for 10 years now,” said Safford Builder’s Supply/Ace Hardware’s Michael Brown. “The amount that we raise for Phoenix Children’s Hospital generally goes up each year.”

Last year, Safford Builder’s Supply/Ace Hardware raised more than $2,500 for the Arizona hospital, with the goal to generate more this year.

To help in fund-raising, Safford Builder’s Supply/Ace Hardware also offers periods of round-up to the nearest dollar, with that money supporting the hospital, and a special candy bar sale in the Spring and Fall that also raises money.

