On Tuesday the staff of Double-R Communications set out to pick up all of the nonperishable donations that were brought in during the Elementary School food drive. Ten Gila Valley elementary schools participated this year and produced a total of 36,000 cans of food.
The bounty was split between the St. Vincent De Paul food bank and the Our Neighbors Pantry food bank in Safford. Volunteers were on hand to help unload and sort the trailers full of cans. The total weight of food that was delivered to St. Vincent De Paul was 9600 pounds. Our Neighbors Pantry will weigh theirs at a later date.
Food Drive creator and Double-R Communications owner, Reed Richins, said that this might be the most successful year in the event’s history.
“It’s amazing what these elementary students can do,” said Richins. “We are just happy that we can help families that need something to eat for Thanksgiving.”
The winning class from each school will receive a pizza party provided by Domino’s Pizza, cupcakes provided by Cakes by TLC, a class workshop lead by The Home Depot and LifeNet 10 landed at each school to let the them tour the chopper. Trophies were awarded to each winning class by Trophies N’ Tees. The event was also made possible by support from Valley Furniture, Freeport McMoran and the Graham County Chamber of Commerce.
The winning classes from each school are listed below.
Triumphant Learning Center – Mrs. Apodaca
Solomon Elementary – Mrs. Aragon
Ruth Powell – Ms. Reiher
Lafe Nelson – Ms. Higgins
Dorothy Stinson – Mrs. Emory
Thatcher Elementary – Mrs. Cook
Thatcher Primary – Mrs. Cooper
Discover Plus Academy – Mrs. Skinner
Dan Hinton – Mrs. Thygerson
Pima Elementary – Mrs. Wood
You can see photos of each winning class with the LifeNet 10 helicopter on the Kat Kountry 94.5 Facebook page.