Final paving complete on US 60 between Superior, Top-of-the-World

Expect intermittent delays for final roadway and guardrail work

Paving on US 60 between Superior and Top-of-the-World was completed on Tuesday, Aug. 4, but intermittent delays are expected through late September while crews complete final work on the project.

Some of the final elements include:

  • Striping
  • Rumble strips
  • Guardrail
  • Concrete barrier

While work is underway, motorists will encounter intermittent flaggers or slowed traffic, but delays are not expected to exceed 15 minutes.

ADOT would like to thank drivers for their patience and understanding during the paving portion of the project.

Drivers should proceed with caution, slow down and watch for construction personnel and equipment.

For more information, go to

