SAFFORD — A 15-year-old shooting himself in the leg resulted in reports to law enforcement and Child Protective Services.
On Dec. 8, Graham County Sheriff’s deputies were called to Mt. Graham Regional Medical Center after a family brought their son in with a gunshot wound. Medical personnel said the bullet entered at the thigh, missed anything vital, and exited below the knee.
The father told deputies his son was attempting to unload the weapon when it fired. The father also said the gun, a .22 Ruger Mark II, was not secured in a safe. The mother said their 16-year-old son keeps the gun in his room, which is normally locked.
Deputies made contact with the Department of Child Protective Services about the incident and child’s living conditions.
Due to a prior history of the family’s children having access to firearms — earlier this year the 16-year-old son had been driving when stopped by law enforcement for using a phone during operation of a motor vehicle. He was also found to not have a driver’s license and in possession of a firearm — the report was sent to the Graham County Attorney’s Office for review and possible charges.