Early ballot dropboxes OK’d by Graham Supervisors

The ballot dropbox at the Graham County General Services Building in Safford will be available to voters for the Presidential Preference, Primary and General elections in 2024. - Contributed Photo

SAFFORD — The Graham County Board of Supervisors convened a special meeting Thursday for the placement of early ballot dropboxes.

The board voted unanimously to place five boxes.

“(The boxes) will placed throughout the county, and available for the entire 2024 election cycle — the PPE (Presidential Preference Elections), the Primary and the General Election,” said Polly Merriman, Graham County Recorder.

The boxes will be located at:

● The Graham County General Services Building, Safford, in the southeast parking lot

● Meg’s Place, Fort Thomas, in front of the store

● Robert Olivar Sr. Learning Center, Bylas, at the parking lot entrance

● Peridot Administration Office, Peridot, next to the office entrance

● Bonita Elementary School, Bonita, next to the U.S. Mail dropbox

All locations have security cameras on the boxes, and Merriman said ballots will be picked up once a week, except at the General Services Building, where ballots will be picked up daily.

The box at the Olivar Learning Center will be open Monday through Thursday, from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.; and the box at the Peridot Administration Office will be open Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The other boxes will be open 24 hours a day, seven days week.

The Bonita box will be closed during Arizona’s Presidential Preference Elections, March 19, as Bonita is participating through mail only. Feb. 20 is the last day to register for the PPE, and only registered Democrats and Republicans can vote.

Arizona’s Primary Election is Aug. 6, and the last day to register is July 8. Everyone may vote in the primary, and independent and unaffiliated voters may choose which party ballot to use.

The General Election is Nov. 5, and the last day to register is Oct. 7.

