EAC Discovery Park Campus will present part 2 of a 6 part series on the incredible world of quantum mechanics:
“QUANTUM MECHANICS – Einstein and Heisenberg – Creating Uncertainty” – by Hal Herbert.
Saturday, November 17, 2018 – Discovery Park Campus – Jupiter Room 7:00 – 8:00 pm
FREE Lecture! Enjoy the Galleries and star gazing afterward!
The EAC Discovery Park Campus welcomes Harold “Hal” Herbert, local historian and research volunteer of the Graham County Historical Society, sharing a six-part lecture series on the incredible world of quantum mechanics.
Quantum mechanics is the body of scientific laws that describe the erratic behavior of photons, electrons and the other particles that make up the universe.
Mr. Herbert will discuss when Albert Einstein and Werner Heisenberg developed their first views into the “weirdness” of the subatomic world. The foundation they created led to a world of understanding that perplexed scientists at the beginning of the 20th century. Sure to be an interesting evening of facts and thoughts of our
After the lecture you can tour through the Graham County Historical Society’s artifacts display and the “History of Astronomy” in the Discovery Park Galleries, and take a ride on the Polaris Shuttle Simulator. Plus, the 20″ Tinsley Telescope in the Gov Aker Observatory will be open for viewing the night skies, all free of charge and minutes away from home.
For more information, contact the EAC Discovery Park Campus at 928-428-6260.