EAC Alumni Library awarded prestigious LSTA grant

Contributed Photo: EAC's English Club will host this year’s first meeting of Writers Anonymous on Sept. 29 at 3:30 p.m.

Contributed Article

Thatcher – The Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records, a division of the Secretary of State, has awarded a $5,000 grant to the Eastern Arizona College Alumni Library to purchase reference and research materials aimed at controversial issues, such as immigration, welfare, privacy and security, religious persecution and various world issues.

“Eastern Arizona College Alumni Library is thrilled to receive the $5,000 Collection Development Grant from the Arizona State Library,” said Kristen Becker, director of Library Services. “These funds will expand our ability to provide comprehensive reference and research materials to our students and community members.”

In an effort to introduce students to the new reference and research materials, Eastern Arizona College Alumni Library will host a One Book, One Campus program beginning in the fall with two books discussed each semester in six-week cycles.  Each week a guest speaker will provide insight into current world issues as evidenced in the novel and library staff will provide research guides on the various controversial topics, which will highlight resources owned by the library.

In 2017, the Arizona State Library received about $3.2 million under the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), which is administered by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Arizona libraries received $800,000 awarded on a competitive basis. The remaining funds are used to support statewide services, including family literacy and reading programs, electronic databases, digital government initiatives, continuing education classes and other programs.

“Libraries are community centers that address diverse needs, including employment and economic development, civic engagement and human services,” said Secretary of State Michele Reagan, whose office oversees the Arizona State Library. “It is an honor to assist libraries to transform to meet the needs of the community.”

