By Susan Syfert, DAR Chapter Member
This year’s Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching, and members of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) are gearing up to provide chocolate covered strawberries.
Since February 2016, the local DAR Gila Valley Chapter has been offering an assortment of freshly-dipped and nicely decorated strawberries. During this time, Safeway has provided the strawberries with a generous discount and is doing the same this year to help fund the chapter’s scholarship awards for local high school students. The whole twelve-hour process of dipping, arranging the plates and distributing the orders begins early on Valentine’s Day and is done by DAR members and volunteer students and sponsors from Mount Graham High School.
Each year has been more successful than the last and has allowed the chapter to offer two scholarships the last two years instead of one. This fundraiser supports DAR scholarships ($500 & $250) to high school students residing in Graham and Greenlee counties who are dual enrolled at EAC, taking general education classes. The additional fees and cost of books can be a burden on the families of these deserving students, and DAR is honored to be part of their solution.
Last year, during Constitution Week celebration (September 17-23), the chapter awarded a $500 scholarship to Neveah Pompeo and a $250 scholarship to Kiara Schroeder, both students from Safford High School. Each applicant wrote an essay from the designated topic, What My American Heritage Means to Me as I go Forward to Serve as a Citizen of the United States. A number of essays were submitted and all had merit, which made the final selections difficult, but it was also an encouragement to continue what is now becoming a Valentine’s Day tradition.
The DAR is taking orders now through Feb. 8, at 6:00 p.m. The cost is $10 for a half-dozen chocolate covered strawberries and $15 for a dozen.
To order, text or call Donna at 928-965-4746 and give name, phone number, and number of plate size desired. Pickup is Feb. 14, from 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., at 830 S. 20th Ave (SW corner of 8th Street and 20th Ave) in Safford. Payment, in the form of cash or check, is due at pickup.
Your chocolate-covered strawberries will be awaiting you, plated, bagged and decorated with pretty ribbons so there is no work on your part. Sounds easy and it is. See you on Valentine’s Day!