Ciscomani releases statement after supporting debt ceiling legislation

U.S. Rep. Juan Ciscomani - Contributed Photo

Contributed article

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Congressman Juan Ciscomani (AZ-06), a member of the House Appropriations Committee, released a statement after voting to support the Fiscal Responsibility Act, legislation to prevent the United States from defaulting on its debt. 

The federal government is set to default on Monday, June 5. The bill passed the House of Representatives and is now moving to the Senate.

“Washington has had a spending addiction for far too long. I was sent to Congress to bring accountability to Washington — not continue the status quo. I supported today’s debt ceiling vote because I could not entertain the alternatives: a clean lift with no changes to Washington’s bad habits, or default on our debt.

“Make no mistake — there is still work to be done. As Arizona’s only member on the Appropriations Committee, I will bring your voice to table as Congress allocates funds and ensure we secure a responsible budget through the finish line and to the president’s desk.”

