Anderson new Safford Fire Chief, Pino-Reyes named to P&Z Commission

Patrick Anderson, as seen during a 2020 appearance on KATO radio's Voice of the Valley show. - David Bell Photo/Gila Valley Central

SAFFORD — During Monday’s meeting, the Safford City Council selected a trio to assume positions of leadership within the community.

The City Council unanimously affirmed the majority vote of the Safford volunteer firefighters to name Patrick Anderson as Fire Chief for 2025.

The firefighters also named John Archuleta as assistant chief by majority vote; Nathan Green, Jeff Ball and Carlos Medina as captains by majority vote; Chad Crockett as secretary/treasurer by unanimous vote; and Mark Schreur as chief engineer by unanimous vote.

Corina Pino-Reyes spoke as both a representative of Valley Telecom Group and as president of the Graham County Chamber of Commerce board during the Graham Economic Partnership forum Wednesday, May 29, 2024.
– David Bell Photo/Gila Valley Central

The Council unanimously re-appointed Arnold Lopez to serve as Vice Mayor, and appointed Corina Pino-Reyes to the Planning and Zoning Commission.

Lopez then suggested the city look at qualifications for appointment and make updates if warranted.

“It’s says here that, really, to be the only qualification is to be a Safford citizen and pay taxes. Well, my granddaughter could be a commissioner if those are the only qualifications. So we do need to touch them up a little bit,” Lopez said.

Council members assigned as liaisons to various nonprofit organizations and committees include:

  • Luke Arbizo — Boys and Girls Club of the Gila Valley and Safford Downtown Association
  • Dusti Brantner — Pride of Safford and League of Arizona Cities and Towns Resolutions Committee
  • Alma Flores — Mt. Graham Safe House and Native American Heritage Event
  • Brad Hemphill —Arizona Community Foundation and Graham County Chamber of Commerce
  • Arnold Lopez — Mt. Graham Safe House and Southeastern Arizona Governments Organization
  • Steve McGaughey — Gila Watershed Partnership and Public Safety Retirement

