5 Cool Ideas for Self-Improvement Month

PHOTO SOURCE: (c) mavoimages / stock.Adobe.com


There’s no good reason to wait until the new year to focus on self-improvement. There’s also no excuse. September is Self-Improvement Month, and a fine time to learn a new skill, take up an old hobby or set a goal.

Here are five cool ideas to try out over the course of the month:

Start coding: Whether you want to switch careers and become a software or web developer or simply take up a new hobby, learning to code can open up a world of possibilities, while keeping your mind active and vital. And these days, free online tutorials available in dozens of programming languages, can help you get started without any tools required but time and dedication.

Learn to play piano: Learning a musical instrument can improve focus, enhance memory and reduce stress. For a fast-track to playing songs skillfully, check out the Casio CT-X700, which features a Step-Up Lesson system to easily learn songs from the keyboard’s built-in library. The display shows proper fingering and notation, and a six-track recorder allows you to quickly capture your inspiration.

Set a reading goal: You don’t have to be a student to complete a reading challenge. Whether it’s to read 5 non-fiction books over the course of the month or get through that classic tome that’s been sitting on your bookshelf for years, give yourself a reading goal to achieve this month.

Get outdoors: Spending time exercising in nature has powerful physical and mental health benefits. Give yourself the motivation needed to get outdoors with a wearable device, such as the WSD-F30 Pro Trek Smart Outdoor Watch, which includes a built-in compass, altimeter and barometer, as well as a slew of fitness and nature apps designed to promote wellness and help you better appreciate your surroundings.

Start saving: If you don’t have a savings account, think about opening one during the month of September. Make it painless by having the fund draw automated monthly payments from your checking account. Then sit back and watch your savings grow.

Long before writing up resolutions, celebrate Self-Improvement Month, a perfect mid-year motivation for change and growth.

