SAFFORD — The number of new coronavirus cases in Graham County continues to climb, with 30 new cases over the past seven days.
That’s according to the Graham County Health Department, which has recorded 110 new cases since June 1.
Five of the new cases are in the 85543 zip code, two are in 85552, 21 are in 85546 and the location of two is currently undetermined.
In a press release issued late last month, the Health Department reported that all new cases have involved persons who have not been vaccinated for COVID-19.
The county has distributed more than 11,000 vaccinations, without any severe reactions or hospitalizations.
The county continues to offer free vaccinations — both the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine, and the two-dose Moderna vaccine. The clinic is open 8-11 a.m. Monday through Wednesday, and 2-5 p.m. on Thursday.
Call 928-428-0110 to schedule an appointment.