20th Avenue improvements to begin again

Improvements to 20th Avenue, between Relation Street and Golf Course Road, will resume after a more than month-long delay due to a shortage of materials. - Contributed Photo

SAFFORD — Safford Public Works announced that work on improvements to 20th Avenue will resume July 5.

The project came to a halt in late May to the contractor’s inability to acquire necessary matierals, specifically a lack of available concrete.

Resumption of work could result in lane closures and motorists should plan for intermittent travel delays.

Improvements include four travel lanes; a center left turn lane; storm drain improvements; curb, gutter and sidewalks on both sides of the street; and a new 12-inch water line and pressure reducing station to improve service to Mt. Graham Regional Medical Center and surrounding area.

Originally estimated at $4.4 million, material shortages and supply chain issues in 2021 increased the cost of the project by an additional $1.3 million. That deficit was made up by use of federal funds made available due to the pandemic, and an additional $500,000 from the state.

