Time is running out! Nominations must be received by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 10, 2019
The Gila Valley Small Business Woman of the Year Committee is now accepting applications for the Seventh Annual Gila Valley Small Business Woman of the Year Award. All nominations must be received by 5 p.m. on Oct. 10. Nomination requirements and forms can be found online by visiting the EAC Small Business Development Center Facebook page at www.facebook.com/eacsbdc. Printed forms can also be picked up at the Graham or Greenlee Chambers, or the EAC Small Business Development Center.
An awards ceremony will be held on Oct. 24 at 6:30 p.m. at the Eastern Arizona College Gerald L. Hoopes Activity Center Dining Hall where all nominees who attend will be recognized and receive a gift. Two of these nominees, one from Graham County and one from Greenlee County, will be recognized as our Grand Prize Winners and each will receive $1,000 and a $500 radio advertising package from Double R Communications. All community members, especially small business women owners, are invited to come celebrate and help acknowledge their entrepreneur sisters, and are asked to RSVP to the EAC SBDC at 928-428-8590, no later than Oct. 23. Anyone with questions may call Charmaine Chidester at 928-428-8276.
October is National Women’s Small Business month and local organizations have once again, joined together to recognize the contributions of our local ladies involved in entrepreneurship and community involvement. The committee consists of members from Eastern Arizona College Small Business Development Center, Freeport McMoRan, Graham County Chamber of Commerce, Greenlee County Chamber of Commerce, Woman’s Club of Safford, American Association of University Women, and Double R Communications.
Nominations are now being accepted from the community to select a woman in Graham or Greenlee County who owns a business and is also active in her community. “The Gila Valley Small Business Woman of the Year Committee is so excited to be able to recognize these hard-working ladies who contribute so much to our community; both through their businesses and outside their businesses.” stated EAC business counselor, Charmaine Chidester.
Two deserving business women, one from Graham County and one from Greenlee County, will each receive $1,000 and a $500 radio advertising package from Double R Communications. Past winners include: Janet Quinn, owner of Trophies ‘N’ Tees, Kally Efros, owner of Indigo Mountain Wellness, Toys and Gifts, Dr. Debbie Chapman, owner of Desert Cross Veterinary Hospital, Sheryl Goodman, owner of Taylor Freeze, Jenny Rogers, owner of Safford Dance Academy, Susan Snyder, owner of Chase Creek Marketplace, Jenny Howard, owner of Ginaveve’s Market Place and Meghan Wagley, owner of Chaparral Mini Mart & Motel.