Search on for suspected burglar

SAFFORD — Safford Police are on the lookout for a man spotted running from a home that was broken into.

A woman heard a crash as she brought her mother home and, after going to the rear of the house, saw a Hispanic man running through the backyard.  When officers responded, they saw evidence the back door had been broken and the home had been ransacked while empty.

The suspect was spotted carrying a black backpack, and two other black bags with items from the home were apparently left behind when the burglar was discovered.

A neighbor reported seeing a Hispanic man and woman walking down the street earlier in the day, describing the same clothing the woman reported seeing on the man.

About an hour and half later officers were informed by another resident in the neighborhood that her son had seen a Hispanic man running through an alley and, after finishing some yard work, discovered a black backpack under a bush.

The suspect is described as a Hispanic male in his 30s, not slim but a little “chunky,” with a buzz cut hairstyle. He was wearing a black shirt and black pants with red stripes down the side.

