Safford Utilities replacing old natural gas meters

- Pixabay Photo/Pexels

SAFFORD — Some natural gas users in Safford may soon find themselves temporarily without service.

On its social media, the city announced it is changing out gas meters that are at least 10 years old and during the change-over, customers could be without service for up to an hour.

Once the replacement is made, a Safford Utilities technician will inspect the home’s gas appliances and, if all is well, will relight pilot lights.

Technicians will have a city badge, a uniform with a city logo and be driving a vehicle with a city logo. However, any residents who have questions about the technician’s identity can call the city at 928-432-4200 to confirm the technician’s name.

Impacted residents will be notified by a yellow door hanger. There are more than 2,000 meters scheduled for replacement.

