SAFFORD — Using Community Development Block Grant funds to help seniors make necessary home repairs is not a viable option for the City of Safford.
During previous discussion about how to spend about $272,000 in CDBG funds, Councilman Arnold Lopez asked staff to look into projects to help senior residents of the city.
“We met with the Agency on Aging, which was suggested by Councilman Lopez, and that can’t happen, because they can only provide services with their entire service area. So City of Safford’s money would be spread throughout Graham and Greenlee counties,” Jamie Embick, Safford Planning and Community Development director.
Staff is asking the council to prioritize a number of projects that would qualify for CDBG funding, including a number of sidewalk installations and improvements, construction of a new fire station and a community garden.
Three of the sidewalk projects would cost a combined $753,600, while the new fire station is estimated to cost $5 million.
Staff is also asking for the council’s input on future policy, such as addressing homelessness, senior needs, issues of graffiti and blight, and education.