By Lori Dugan
THATCHER, AZ—EAC’s admissions, financial aid, and counseling/advising departments are gearing up for the new school year and are ready to meet with you and help you register for the Fall 2019 semester which begins on August. 19.
Maybe you want to build new cabinets in your home, play the guitar, or learn to read the night sky. Or, maybe you have already taken some classes at the college level but never finished up your degree. Did you just graduate from high school but weren’t sure about going on to college because of the cost or the time commitment or because you thought it would be too hard? Perhaps you always wanted to go back to school but were too busy raising a family.
Eastern Arizona College is the right place for you if any of these scenarios apply. Here’s why:
- EAC offers loads of personal enrichment courses that can be taken for a letter grade or on a pass/fail basis.
- EAC counselors can help students transfer credits from other schools toward a degree that will transfer to any Arizona university and most out-of-state universities.
- Many Graham County high school graduates can qualify for scholarships set aside just for them.
- EAC offers day, evening, hybrid, and online classes.
- In the math, reading, and English areas, EAC offers placement testing that will put you in the class level that you need. And offers Summer Bridge and Monster Bridge to students who need a little extra help. Call the EAC Counseling Department to find out more at (928) 428-8253.
- Tutoring is available in all other academic areas.
- Time? It’s an issue for everyone. That’s why EAC offers many short-term and late-start classes.
If you have been thinking about becoming a student at EAC, now is the time to make it a reality. If you know which classes you want to take, give us a call or go online, and get registered—but if you’re not quite sure, or if you want some help developing a workable schedule for your situation, call or come by our counseling office (428-8253) and let our team of professionals help you make your education dreams come true.
If you are worried about how to pay for it, call our Financial Aid Office at 428-8287. They can connect you to federal grants and scholarships.
In-state tuition at EAC is $90/credit-hour up to 15 with a flat rate of $1350 for 16 credit hours and over. Senior Citizen Scholarships that cover the cost of in-state tuition are available for students 55 years of age and older. Out-of-state students should note that the out-of-state portion is $300/credit hour.
Fall classes begin August 19, 2019. To register, call EAC’s Records and Registration Office at (928) 428-8270 or visit us online at A complete, searchable class schedule is available at