NEW POLL: Arizona Voters Across Political Spectrum Displeased with Sinema

Sen. Krysten Sinema - Gage Skidmore Photo

66% of likely Dem voters willing to support Sinema primary challenger committed to filibuster reform

WASHINGTON D.C — New polling released Tuesday by Data For Progress finds that Arizona voters from across the political spectrum are displeased overall with Senator Kyrsten Sinema’s performance as Senator.

The poll, which ​​surveyed 574 likely voters in the Grand Canyon State, shows that Sinema’s approval rating amongst constituents is extremely weak when stacked up against fellow Arizona Senator Mark Kelly and President Joe Biden. In fact, Sinema fails to achieve majority favorables with any party, including her own. Overall, only 44% of voters in Arizona approve of Sinema, compared to 50% of voters that approve of Biden and Kelly. Among Democrats, Sinema’s approval is at 54%, compared to Biden and Kelly that enjoy 94% and 85% approval, respectively.

he results also reveal that the vast majority of likely Democratic primary voters in Arizona (66%) would support a primary challenger to Sinema who is committed to getting rid of the Senate filibuster, an instrument seen by many Democrats as a significant obstacle to enacting President Biden’s agenda. 

The results of the poll in their entirety, including methodology, can be found online here
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